Primer begins

Seat covers and more paint removal

Purchased new front seat covers along with new seat foam. Continued paint removal from most of the car.

Replacement panel

I ordered a patch panel for the only rust on this car which was the passenger quarter behind the wheel.  The patch panel was ordered in August of 2017 but was consistently backordered.  It arrived today… which is November 24, 2018.  15 months after placing the order, it shows up..I’m glad.


The vents are going to be a challenge, but the rest of the cowl and A-pillars are stripped.

Hood Part 2

Picked up some more chemical stripper and now the hood is done.  The cowl and both rockers are what’s left to strip.

The Hood

Ran out of stripper on the hood… need another trip to O’Reilleys.  A little time lapse

Rear valance

The rear valance is a mess… lots of body filler and it’s very mis-shaped.  But it’s stripped.

And more…

Drivers side quarter sail panel.  Evidence of a replaced quarter panel in it’s life.

Roof finally stripped…

After 90% of the car being stripped to bare metal, I finally figured out how to use chemical stripper.  It seems that chemical stripper will only remove 2-3 coats of paint so if a car had 8+ coats of paint on it, to strip it to metal, you’ll need to strip it 3 times… Live and learn…  The last picture is what 8 layers of stripped paint from a fastback roof looks like…not counting what was put into the atmosphere from the DA.

And yet more paint removal…

Started on the roof panel… drivers side.  A combination of stripper and 40-grit on a DA.  Don’t want to use the grinder on the roof for fear of any warpage.  So much paint…..


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